Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winding Down the First Quarter

So.  The first quarter of classes is nearing an end.  One week to go and there are all sorts of final assignments due and all sorts of scrambling to get them done.

Having missed classes due to the weather never helps, and though it seems it can be made up somehow, that's a grade-school thing, not so much a university thing.  Once a class is missed for whatever reason, it's gone - not unlike the last boat of the evening, or last train, or bus or whatever else I can use as an analogy to depict the sinking feeling of running after something that will just not wait for you.

There are some good things created from the finals of things -

A photo manipulation of at least three (this image
has nine) images to form a cohesive and seemingly
believable new image while using the 'tools' taught
throughout the quarter (layers, masking, etc.)
I've got a report I'm completing now (after this post) that is on a photographer of old who influenced the medium greatly.  We all had someone to research - my individual was Edward Steichen.  Quite the ground breaker and creative individual.  He had one, if not THE, most expensive photographic print sold at auction at 2.9 million USD.

Now, it's back to work on final projects and the mint-chocolate chip cookies I baked and coffee...

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