Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Where's the snow?

It went south, north, east and west of here.  Seriously.  Some of the rest of the country is flooded with the stuff, if that's the proper term, and we got... a flurry today.  A *flurry.*

I guess I shouldn't be complaining.  It WAS a beautiful day - the sun was shining brightly and there was beautiful blue skies with puffy clouds all around.  Snowing puffy clouds that will most likely miss this area altogether, or drop a few centimeters of rain on us just to mix things up.

LOL - my car wouldn't make it a few meters past the driveway in snow.  It's a Mini with front wheel drive and as light as a feather, as far as cars go.  Last time it was in snow, a couple of years ago, it spun in place and stuck fast for days and days.  It would have needed studded tires and chains along with sand bags to weigh it down and someone pushing it as well as a few snow dogs in front pulling it.  That would have been a sight...

So, I guess I'll post the latest endeavor.  Like I said in the earlier post - I'm fidgety, so I've already discarded quite a few other attempts at creativity since the last upload.  Meh.  It's the way of things.  Hopefully it all leads somewhere someday.

Happy Holidays!!

Model: Sykkel Spruce. Manual exposure, 31mm focal length,
f/13,  Auto White Balance (AWB),  ISO 200,
spot light from above stage right, diffused light box stage
left @ 3/4 power (+ some Photoshop magical goodness)

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