Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, New Quarter, New Creations

Happy New Year, everyone...

I hope that the first couple of weeks of 2011 has been a great experience for all who read this.  I also hope that if you have made any resolutions that you have been successful in keeping them so far.  Though sometimes seemingly silly or mundane, I've found that resolutions help one keep promises to one's self.  That's important.

My resolution for myself was to be more creative.  I think I can keep that one - or at least I HOPE I can.  We'll see as the year goes on, right?  The true judges will be those who view what I create and either deem the creation worthy or unworthy.  I can promise I will do my utmost best to be worthy.

School has started again for the Winter Quarter of 2011.  Yeay!  I do have a lot of homework already and the first week isn't even over yet.  With Digital Illustration, Lighting, Photographic Design, Survey of Photography, and Art History I on my plate, it's going to be a very busy quarter.  The bar has been raised and I welcome that advance.  I have some VERY good classmates who are filled with their own visions and a passion for their craft that in a lot of instances surpasses mine.  I'm really psyched for this quarter.

As the weeks roll on, I'll be putting some of the completed assignments here for you all to see.  I think that sharing some of the assignments with you may help others who are inspired to create will do so.  I mean, if *I* can do this, so can some of you...  ;D

Composite image - Model taken with Canon 20D, f5.6, ISO 100, AWB,
27mm focal length, studio lighting with remote flash using reflective
umbrella and medium soft box.  Background taken from web;
Waterfall Link:
Ruins Link:


  1. I decided not to put all my comments on facebook. Whatever. Too many kids read it. Anyhow, I was going to say he is too exposed, naked, revealing... something like that. Not just without clothes because that would be okay, but somehow his looking straight at the camera makes him really really naked. It's hard to look at because of that. Also, or maybe he should be out of focus. It looks like a composite. I guess you were going for that? He looks like superman. Were you going for that? I guess it would help to know what you want to achieve. Is it your cartoon like thing?

    I hope this isn't offensive. I am not trying to be. I am new at this "critical eye" thing. But i know it can be helpful if it's done with the right kind of feeling behind it. Your knowledge amazes me. Your ability is also extraordinary. I do really appreciate how you take those things and put them all together and share unselfishly with us. Thanks, Carlos. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Something about the scale doesn't look quite right. The model seems a little large for the rest of the scene.

    I think with some different background elements, it could have looked less like a composite. However, there's nothing in the blending of the three components that gives it away -- just something "surrealistic" (mostly about the waterfall) that makes it look like it was created.

    Keep plugging -- good stuff!

  3. I appreciate the comments! I understand what you all are saying and I can agree with your perspectives. I'll work on the next images with what you all say in mind. It really helps get other eyes on things - I was really proud of the image *without* the mode - but I wanted that element in there too...

    Again, thank you for the input...!!

  4. Happy New Year! Best wishes! :-)
