Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This past week was interesting, to say the least.  I'm quickly finding out that I have a  limited amount of creative juice to squeeze out of my nearly dried out rind.

No, no - it's true.  I can see other's work and go "Oooh! That's amazing!  I wish I had thought of that..!" And when I'm told I should try and mimic the images I like, I feel as though I'm just making a cheap knock-off of whatever it was that I saw.


Yes, poop.  I feel as though I'm not part of the proper "clique" at school, so all the more creative 'cool kids' hang together and feed off of each other's energies, while I feel as though I'm fizzling out like some sort of wet sparkler.

I'm sure things will change and I will be able to draw from deep inner wellspring of creativity, but until that happens, I'm not altogether pleased with the way my thought processes are flowing.

Juxtaposition - Contrast - "Burnt Out"
Juxtaposition - Compare - "Don't Look Back"

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