Monday, February 21, 2011

Envelopes to Push

The last week of school has been somewhat of an ease in challenge.  After I had spoken with a few of my professors about my creative stagnation and the wall I had built for myself (presumably), I decided to let go a little.  I let go of some of the baggage I've been carrying around the military had allowed me to pick up as I marched through the years in its service.

Admittedly, there's a lot more to let go, but it's a start, and I'll continue the process.  Hopefully it's exponential and starts to roll off faster as I move into a less stressful environment for myself.

The past week also was a shoot for Photo Design class dealing with the human Line, Shape and Form.  It was to be a 'nude' of some sort, where the human body was used as the subject for the assignment.  I was also to be done in black and white in order to allow for the subject, and not the color enhancements around or near it, to be the main focus of the piece created.

With that, I set out to capture an image that would be subtle, yet appealing; pleasing to the eye, yet not offensive or jarring in any way.  I hope I accomplished that with this image...

©Carlos Paradinha Photography, Seattle WA 2011

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